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State Archives of Florida Online Catalog

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The Online Catalog allows searching and browsing of information about the Florida State Archives’ holdings of over 48,000 cubic feet of state and local government records and historical manuscripts. The catalog provides descriptions of over 3,400 collections and lists the contents of containers and folders in many of those collections. For assistance with accessing and using State Archives collections, call our Reference Staff at 850.245.6719 or email us at

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Record Group /Collection.Series -Container.File Unit #Item

[000158]Florida Folklife Program record group.:
-----------------...[000158/.S 1622]Southwest Florida Region Survey records,:
-----------------...[000158/.S 1624]Lakefront Legacy Folklife Project records,:
-----------------...[000158/.S 1625]Timber Industries Survey records,:
-----------------...[000158/.S 1626]Sunday in the Park Concerts records,:
-----------------...[000158/.S 1627]Administrative files,:
-----------------...[000158/.S 1628]Miami-Dade Region Survey files,:
-----------------...[000158/.S 1629]Ralph Steele Boggs collection,:
-----------------...[000158/.S 1630]Florida Folklife News issues,:
-----------------...[000158/.S 1631]Interview transcripts,:
-----------------...[000158/.S 1635]Fishing instructional materials and supporting documentation,:
-----------------...[000158/.S 1637]Folklife program field research records,:
-----------------...[000158/.S 1639]Florida Folklife Apprenticeship Program unawarded applications,:
-----------------...[000158/.S 1640]Folklife Apprenticeship Program fieldwork,:
-----------------...[000158/.S 1644]Florida Folklife Apprenticeship Program administrative files,:
-----------------...[000158/.S 1648]Sugarcane grinding and syrup making fieldnotes and photographs,:
-----------------...[000158/.S 1649]Fourth of July Celebration planning files,:
-----------------...[000158/.S 1650]Fortieth Anniversary Recording Project files,:
-----------------...[000158/.S 1656]Rural Folklife Days records,:
-----------------...[000158/.S 1664]Florida Folk Festival fieldwork, program planning, and documentation files,:
-----------------...[000158/.S 1667]Florida folklife fieldwork photographs, slides, and negatives,:
-----------------...[000158/.S 1669]Arts Mania Festival slides, negatives, and audio tapes,:
-----------------...[000158/.S 1670]Nikitas Tsimouris slides, photographs, negatives, and flyer,:
-----------------...[000158/.S 1671]Tarpon Springs Centennial Celebration records,:
-----------------...[000158/.S 1672]Tarpon Springs Sponge Industry Folk Arts Festival slides and release forms,:
-----------------...[000158/.S 1677]Florida State Fiddle Contest planning and background files,:
-----------------...[000158/.S 1678]MOSAIC Project planning files,:
-----------------...[000158/.S 1679]Seminars and workshops records,:
-----------------...[000158/.S 1680]Learning kit fieldwork files of Nancy Nusz,:
-----------------...[000158/.S 1681]North Florida Region and Folklife of St. Augustine Minorcans Survey records,:
-----------------...[000158/.S 1682]Myakka Community Profile project files,:

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