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State Archives of Florida Online Catalog

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The Online Catalog allows searching and browsing of information about the Florida State Archives’ holdings of over 48,000 cubic feet of state and local government records and historical manuscripts. The catalog provides descriptions of over 3,400 collections and lists the contents of containers and folders in many of those collections. For assistance with accessing and using State Archives collections, call our Reference Staff at 850.245.6719 or email us at

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Record Group /Collection.Series -Container.File Unit #Item

[000350]Comptroller's Office record group.:
-----------------...[000350/.S 564]Warrants,:
-----------------...[000350/.S 565]Vouchers,:
-----------------...[000350/.S 566]State jurors and witnesses certificates,:
-----------------...[000350/.S 567]Abstracts of warrants issued,:
-----------------...[000350/.S 570]Bonds of county tax assessors,:
-----------------...[000350/.S 660]Railroad bonds,:
-----------------...[000350/.S 666]File index,:
-----------------...[000350/.S 678]Confederate pension approved claims,:
-----------------...[000350/.S 682]Closed legal case files,:
-----------------...[000350/.S 699]School account files,:
-----------------...[000350/.S 737]Fiscal records,:
-----------------...[000350/.S 1007]Closed bank ledgers,:
-----------------...[000350/.S 1060]Railroad and telegraph license tax ledger,:
-----------------...[000350/.S 1396]Railroad property tax returns,:
-----------------...[000350/.S 1397]County tax ledgers,:
-----------------...[000350/.S 1646]News report and interview video and audio tapes documenting the work of the Comptroller's Office,:
-----------------...[000350/.S 1731]Travel and speech records,:
-----------------...[000350/.S 1740]Legislative affairs subject files,:
-----------------...[000350/.S 1752]Reading and correspondence files, 1994 - 2002:
-----------------...[000350/.S 1902]Schedule and trip files,:
-----------------...[000350/.S 2712]Statements of redemption of tax certificates and Comptroller's correspondence,:
[000352]Office of the Auditor of Public Accounts record group.:
-----------------...[000352/.S 491]Clerks of the Superior Courts
-----------------...[000352/.S 582]Letterbooks,:
-----------------...[000352/.S 583]Warrants,:
-----------------...[000352/.S 584]Vouchers,:
[000354]Department of Banking ! Finance, Division of Accounting and Auditing record group.:
-----------------...[000354/.S 774]County annual financial report
-----------------...[000354/.S 775]Municipal annual financial rep
-----------------...[000354/.S 791]Special tax district audit rep

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