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State Archives of Florida Online Catalog

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The Online Catalog allows searching and browsing of information about the Florida State Archives’ holdings of over 48,000 cubic feet of state and local government records and historical manuscripts. The catalog provides descriptions of over 3,400 collections and lists the contents of containers and folders in many of those collections. For assistance with accessing and using State Archives collections, call our Reference Staff at 850.245.6719 or email us at

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[000401]Florida Public Broadcasting record group.:
-----------------...[000401/.S 2192]Florida government affairs broadcast audio and video recordings,:
----------------------------------...[000401/.S 2192-00099.00067]Tape 648: Florida on the Line - Doug Jamerson / Lawton Chiles, August 14, 1996 / September 11, 1996
----------------------------------...[000401/.S 2192-00099.00068]Tape 649: PRC Emergency #1
----------------------------------...[000401/.S 2192-00099.00069]Tape 650: Florida on the Line - Chancellor Reed / Frank Brogan, May 15, 1996 / June 13, 1996
----------------------------------...[000401/.S 2192-00099.00070]Tape 651: Florida on the Line, October 9, 1996
----------------------------------...[000401/.S 2192-00099.00071]Tape 652: Florida on the Line, May 14, 1997 / June 11, 1997
----------------------------------...[000401/.S 2192-00099.00072]Tape 653: Florida on the Line - Department of Corrections / Secretary of Florida Health, December 11, 1996 / January 8, 1997
----------------------------------[000401/.S 2192-00100]Box 100: Florida on the Line, 1997-2003 and People's Editorial, 1995-1996 (Tapes 654 Thru 724)
----------------------------------...[000401/.S 2192-00100.00001]Tape 654: Florida on the Line - T. Jennings, March 19, 1997
----------------------------------...[000401/.S 2192-00100.00002]Tape 655: Florida on the Line - T. Moore and Florida Department of Law Enforcement / J. Towey "5 Wishes", September 10, 1997 / Octo
----------------------------------...[000401/.S 2192-00100.00003]Tape 656: Florida on the Line - Florida Education Commission with Frank Brogan / Florida Public Service Commission Julia Johnson, N
----------------------------------...[000401/.S 2192-00100.00004]Tape 657: Florida on the Line - Domestic Abuse with Hassler / Constitution Revision Commission, January 14, 1998 / February 11, 199
----------------------------------...[000401/.S 2192-00100.00005]Tape 658: Florida on the Line - Florida State Representative King / Florida State Senator Burt, March 11, 1998 / April 8, 1998
----------------------------------...[000401/.S 2192-00100.00006]Tape 659: Florida on the Line - Capitol Press with Bosque / Florida Public Education with Brogan, May 13, 1998 / June 10, 1998
----------------------------------...[000401/.S 2192-00100.00007]Tape 660: Florida on the Line - Florida Emergency Management with Rainey / Florida Community Affairs with Murley, July 8, 1998 / Au
----------------------------------...[000401/.S 2192-00100.00008]Tape 661: Florida on the Line - Constitution Revision Commission / Capital Press Corporation, September 9, 1998 / October 21, 1998
----------------------------------...[000401/.S 2192-00100.00009]Tape 662: Florida on the Line - Lieutenant Governor-Elect Frank Brogan / Governor Lawton Chiles, November 18, 1998 / December 9, 19
----------------------------------...[000401/.S 2192-00100.00010]Tape 663: Florida on the Line - Capital Press Corporation / Governor Jeb Bush, January 13, 1999 / February 10, 1999
----------------------------------...[000401/.S 2192-00100.00011]Tape 664: Florida on the Line - Legislative Round-Up / Representative S. Wise, March 17, 1999 / April 21, 1999
----------------------------------...[000401/.S 2192-00100.00012]Tape 665: Florida on the Line - Capital Press Corporation / Florida Department of Environmental Protection with David Struhs, May 1
----------------------------------...[000401/.S 2192-00100.00013]Tape 666: Florida on the Line - Drug Control Policy / Florida Secretary of State Harris, July 14, 1999 / August 11, 1999
----------------------------------...[000401/.S 2192-00100.00014]Tape 667: Florida on the Line - Department of Revenue / Florida District Courts of Appeal with Seibert, September 8, 1999 / October
----------------------------------...[000401/.S 2192-00100.00015]Tape 668: Florida on the Line - Capital Press with L. Morgan / Anti-Fraud Task Force, November 10, 1999 / December 8, 1999
----------------------------------...[000401/.S 2192-00100.00016]Tape 669: Florida on the Line - Workplace Violence with Porter / One Florida, January 12, 2000 / February 9, 2000
----------------------------------...[000401/.S 2192-00100.00017]Tape 670: Florida on the Line - Florida Senate and House Leaders, March 8, 2000 and April 12, 2000
----------------------------------...[000401/.S 2192-00100.00018]Tape 671: Florida on the Line - Teacher of the Year Finalists / Florida District Court of Appeals with Seibert, May 10, 2000 / June
----------------------------------...[000401/.S 2192-00100.00019]Tape 672: Florida on the Line - Responsible Fatherhood / Florida State University System Chancellor Herbert, July 12, 2000 / August
----------------------------------...[000401/.S 2192-00100.00020]Tape 673: Florida on the Line - Florida Department of Environmental Protection Struhs / Brent K., September 13, 2000 / October 11,
----------------------------------...[000401/.S 2192-00100.00021]Tape 674: Florida on the Line - Presidential Election in Florida Part 1 and 2, November 8, 2000 and December 13, 2000
----------------------------------...[000401/.S 2192-00100.00022]Tape 675: Florida on the Line - Education Commisioner Charlie Crist / Florida Drinking Water T. Scott, January 10, 2001 / February
----------------------------------...[000401/.S 2192-00100.00023]Tape 676: Florida on the Line - Florida House Majority Leader Fasano / Florida Senate President McKay, March 14, 2001 / April 11, 2

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