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State Archives of Florida Online Catalog

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The Online Catalog allows searching and browsing of information about the Florida State Archives’ holdings of over 48,000 cubic feet of state and local government records and historical manuscripts. The catalog provides descriptions of over 3,400 collections and lists the contents of containers and folders in many of those collections. For assistance with accessing and using State Archives collections, call our Reference Staff at 850.245.6719 or email us at

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[900000]Manuscripts record group.:
-----------------[900000/M94- 1]Roxcy O'Neal Bolton papers,:
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00096.00026]Membership Cards: American Automobile Association (AAA) -- Roxcy O. Bolton (1977 and 1980)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00096.00027]Newspaper Articles: Woman Studies and Women's Legal Status (Christian Science Monitor -- November 23, 1971 -- page 6)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00096.00028]Newspaper Article: Activist's Work Honored (Miami Herald -- August 22, 2013 -- page 3SE)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00096.00029]Newspaper Article: Fate of Old Oak Tree (Sherman's Oak) -- (Miami Herald -- October 26, 2013 -- page 3SE)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00096.00030]Newspaper Article: Homelessness (Miami Herald -- March 13, 2015 -- page 3B)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00096.00031]Newspaper Article: Arab Nations Favor Clinton (Miami Herald -- April 7, 2015 -- pages 1A and 4A)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00096.00032]Newspaper Article: Mayor's Race Gets Nasty (Miami Herald -- April 12, 2015 -- pages 1B and 6B)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00096.00033]Newspaper Article: Mayor Cason Elected to a Third Term (Miami Herald -- April 15, 2015 -- pages 1B and 2B)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00096.00034]Newspaper Article: Woman to Woman (Miami Herald -- August 30, 2015 -- page 30SE)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00096.00035]Newspaper Article: Gwen Cherry's Enduring Legacy (Miami Herald - Neighbors -- September 27, 2015 -- page 32SE)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00096.00036]Newspaper Article: The Man Who Made the Gables (Miami Herald -- October 8, 2015 -- pages 1C and 2C)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00096.00037]Newspaper Article: Another Black Man Dies (Miami Herald -- October 28, 2015 -- page 19A)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00096.00038]Newspaper Article: A Kennedy Auction (Miami Herald -- January 22, 2016 -- pages 1A and 2A)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00096.00039]Newspaper Article: Women of Impact 2016 (Miami Herald -- February 14, 2016 -- page 11M)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00096.00040]Newspaper Articles: Ileana Ros Lehtinen (Miami Herald -- May 17, 2016 -- pages 1A, 4A and 12A)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00096.00041]News Release: Jackson Memorial -- April Marks Sexual Assault Awareness Month (April 2015)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00096.00042]Obituary: Enrique Ros (Miami Herald -- April 12, 2013 -- pages 1B and 2B)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00096.00043]Obituary: Janet Feagans Launcelott (Miami Herald -- April 14, 2014 -- page 4B)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00096.00044]Obituary: Edmond Gong (Miami Herald -- May 23, 2015)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00096.00045]Obituary -- Memorial Card: Chief James H. Harley (May 29, 2015)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00096.00046]Obituary: Dr. William A. Middleton (Clarion Ledger -- June 2, 2015)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00096.00047]Obituary: David Balogh (Miami Herald -- June 11, 2015 -- page 4B)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00096.00048]Obituary: John Jay Hooker (Miami Herald -- January 25, 2016 -- page 16A)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00096.00049]Memorial Service: Virginia Lou Butler (February 7, 2016)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00096.00050]Obituary: Mickey Novack (Miami Herald -- March 8, 2016 -- page 10A)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00096.00051]Obituary: Sarah Faith High Barnebey (Miami Herald -- May 11, 2016 -- page 10A)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00096.00052]Obituary: James Burke (Miami Herald -- May 16, 2016 -- pages 1A and 2A)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00096.00053]Photographs (3): Tom and Mattie Middleton and Obituary: Thomas H. Middleton (Died: July 5, 2015)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00096.00054]Photographs (2): Roxcy Bolton and Un-identified Woman in front of The Westin Colonnade, Coral Gables
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00096.00055]Receipt: Royal Monogramming -- Roxcy Bolton (May 10, 2016)

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