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State Archives of Florida Online Catalog

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The Online Catalog allows searching and browsing of information about the Florida State Archives’ holdings of over 48,000 cubic feet of state and local government records and historical manuscripts. The catalog provides descriptions of over 3,400 collections and lists the contents of containers and folders in many of those collections. For assistance with accessing and using State Archives collections, call our Reference Staff at 850.245.6719 or email us at

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[900000]Manuscripts record group.:
-----------------[900000/M94- 1]Roxcy O'Neal Bolton papers,:
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00088.00003]Newspaper: The Miami Herald (November 23, 1963)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00088.00004]Newspaper: The Evening Star [Washington, D. C.] (November 23, 1963)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00088.00005]Newspaper: The Miami Herald (November 24, 1963)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00088.00006]Newspaper: The Sunday Star [Washington, D. C.] (November 24, 1963)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00088.00007]Newspaper: The Washington Post (November 24, 1963) [2 copies]
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00088.00008]Newspaper: The Washington Post (November 25, 1963)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00088.00009]Newspaper: The Evening Star [Washington, D. C.] (November 25, 1963)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00088.00010]Newspaper: The Washington Post (November 25, 1963)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00088.00011]Newspaper: The Evening Star [Washington, D. C.] (November 26, 1963)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00088.00012]Newspaper: The Washington Post (November 26, 1963) [2 copies]
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00088.00013]Newspaper: The Miami Herald (November 26, 1963)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00088.00014]Newspaper: The Washington Post (November 27, 1963)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00088.00015]Newspaper: The Washington Post (November 28, 1963)
----------------------------------[900000/M94- 1-00089]Historical Interest: Miscellaneous [Oversize]
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00089.00001]Oversized Calendar: Commercial Bank of Miami -- Color Photograph of John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1964)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00089.00002]Oversized Newspaper: Headlines of History -- Courtesy of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch (April 6, 1917) [4 copies]
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00089.00003]Oversized Newspaper Headline: The War's Over -- Miami Daily News (August 14, 1945)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00089.00004]Oversized Newspaper Headline: Hurricane Hits Miami -- Miami Daily News (September 18, 1926)
----------------------------------[900000/M94- 1-00090]CORRESPONDENCE AND SUBJECT FILES
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00090.00001]Thanksgiving Day -- Dinner Menu's (1981-1986)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00090.00002]Birth Announcement: Bonnie D. Bolton (June 29, 1965)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00090.00003]National Women's History Project: Women's History 2014 Gazette
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00090.00004]2014 National Women's History Month Honorees -- Profiles and Speech: Celebrating Women of Character, Courage and Commitment (March 2
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00090.00005]Correspondence [2014]
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00090.00006]Greeting Cards: Thank You's [2014]
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00090.00007]Placard: Women's Rights National Historical Park -- Seneca Falls, New York
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00090.00008]Newspaper Article on Roxcy Bolton (Spanish)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00090.00009]Obituary: Mildred Merrick (Miami Herald -- March 6, 2014)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00090.00010]Obituary: Mary Ellen Fabal (Died: March 17, 2014)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00090.00011]Testimonial on Roxcy Bolton: Betsy Hess Kaplan

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