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State Archives of Florida Online Catalog

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The Online Catalog allows searching and browsing of information about the Florida State Archives’ holdings of over 48,000 cubic feet of state and local government records and historical manuscripts. The catalog provides descriptions of over 3,400 collections and lists the contents of containers and folders in many of those collections. For assistance with accessing and using State Archives collections, call our Reference Staff at 850.245.6719 or email us at

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[900000]Manuscripts record group.:
-----------------[900000/M94- 1]Roxcy O'Neal Bolton papers,:
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00079.00001]Magazine: The Best of Vanity Fair -- The Kennedy's (2013)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00079.00002]Magazine: I-5 Publishing -- Kennedy: His Life & Legacy (2013)
----------------------------------[900000/M94- 1-00080]Historical Interest: Magazine Articles/Retrospectives of John F. Kennedy, Jr.
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00080.00001]Magazine: Newsweek -- Coming of Age [John F. Kennedy, Jr.] (August 14, 1995)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00080.00002]Magazine: People Yearbook 1997 -- The Year in Review: 1996 [John F. Kennedy, Jr.] (1997)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00080.00003]Magazine: Newsweek -- Again: A Kennedy Family Tragedy [John F. Kennedy, Jr.] (July 26, 1999)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00080.00004]Magazine: Time [John F. Kennedy, Jr.] (July 26, 1999)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00080.00005]Magazine: Time [John F. Kennedy, Jr.] (August 2, 1999)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00080.00006]Magazine: Newsweek -- A Sad Goodbye [John F. Kennedy, Jr.] (August 2, 1999)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00080.00007]Magazine: People Profiles -- John F. Kennedy, Jr.: A Biography (October 1999)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00080.00008]Magazine: People -- The 25 Most Intriguing People of '99 [John F. Kennedy, Jr.] (December 31, 1999)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00080.00009]Magazine: Star -- JFK, Jr.: American Prince (1999)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00080.00010]Magazine: Life -- 1999 The Year in Pictures [John F. Kennedy, Jr.] (January 2000)
----------------------------------[900000/M94- 1-00081]Historical Interest: Magazine Articles/Retrospectives of Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00081.00001]Magazine: Ladies' Home Journal -- Jackie in Crisis [Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis] (May 1994)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00081.00002]Magazine: People -- Hour of Farewell [Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis] (June 6, 1994) -- [Magazine cover missing]
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00081.00003]Magazine: Life -- A Life in Pictures: Remembering Jackie [Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis] (July 15, 1994)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00081.00004]Magazine: People -- Tribute: Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, 1929 - 1994 (Summer 1994)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00081.00005]Magazine: Globe -- Jackie, 1929 - 1994
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00081.00006]Magazine: Time -- Ted Kennedy: A Tribute, 1932 - 2009
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00081.00007]Magazine: People -- November 22, 1963: Where We Were (November 28, 1988)
----------------------------------[900000/M94- 1-00082]Historical Interest: Magazine Articles/Retrospectives
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00082.00001]Magazine: The Nation (December 20, 1999)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00082.00002]Magazine: Time (December 20, 1999)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00082.00003]Magazine: Time (December 27, 1999)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00082.00004]Magazine: Time (December 31, 1999)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00082.00005]Magazine: Time (May 1, 2000)
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00082.00006]Magazine: Newsweek (April 8, 2002)
----------------------------------[900000/M94- 1-00083]Correspondence, Subject Files, Historical Interest and Newspaper Clippings
----------------------------------...[900000/M94- 1-00083.00001]Book: Miami, The American Crossroad: A Centennial Journey (1896-1996) -- [Roxcy O'Neal Bolton -- Pages 158-160]

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