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[000945]Division of Legislative Library Services record group.:
-----------------...[000945/.S 725]Florida Constitution Revision Commission files,:
----------------------------------...[000945/.S 725-00001.00007]Background reports by Jim Tait: General introduction (1st page missing) 2) Amending and revising Constitution 5) Separation of power
----------------------------------...[000945/.S 725-00001.00008]Analysis of Proposed Revision (Part I) : January 6, 1967
----------------------------------...[000945/.S 725-00001.00009]Part II: Omitted "Non-inconsistent provisions of Constitution of 1885 : July 18, 1967
----------------------------------...[000945/.S 725-00001.00010]Differences between 1885 and proposed Constitution
----------------------------------...[000945/.S 725-00001.00011]Governor's recommendations on Constitutional Revisions : July 27, 1967
----------------------------------...[000945/.S 725-00001.00012]Analysis of proposed Constitution to be introduced in the House : July 31, 1967
----------------------------------...[000945/.S 725-00001.00013]Comparison of 1885 and proposed Constitution (prepared by Stella Ferguson, November 3, 1967) cover memorandum from T. Truett Ott, Se
----------------------------------...[000945/.S 725-00001.00014]Draft of remarks of Governor to Legislature (CRK initials on last page)
----------------------------------...[000945/.S 725-00001.00015]Questionnaire issued by Claude Kirk, Governor - re: Constitutional Revisions : April 23, 1968
----------------------------------...[000945/.S 725-00001.00016]Analysis of proposed revision : July 13, 1968
----------------------------------...[000945/.S 725-00001.00017]Comparison of proposed revision and 1885 Constitution and Amendments : July 24, 1968
----------------------------------...[000945/.S 725-00001.00018]Paste up Revised Constitution
----------------------------------...[000945/.S 725-00001.00019]Draft of proposed Constitution : July 20, 1968
----------------------------------[000945/.S 725-00002]Box 2
----------------------------------...[000945/.S 725-00002.00020]Should Florida adopt the proposed 1968 Constitution? An analysis by M. S. Dauer, C. H. Donovan and G. Kammerer, University of Flori
----------------------------------...[000945/.S 725-00002.00021]Memorandum - re: Public Administration, Study #31 by A. L. Cunkle, Economic Analyst
----------------------------------...[000945/.S 725-00002.00022]BACKGROUND FILES Comparison of 1885 and 1968 Constitution with summary of omitted and new provisions
----------------------------------...[000945/.S 725-00002.00023]Tracing tables of Constitution
----------------------------------...[000945/.S 725-00002.00024]Article I - Alternatives #5, 6 - re: Boundaries
----------------------------------...[000945/.S 725-00002.00025]Article III - Legislature
----------------------------------...[000945/.S 725-00002.00026]Article III - Memorandum Re: Bicameral or Unicameral Legislature, P. C. Swink : August 2, 1967
----------------------------------...[000945/.S 725-00002.00027]Commentary on Article III, section 15 (13) phrase - re: barge canal
----------------------------------...[000945/.S 725-00002.00028]Commentary on Article III, section 18, phrase "officers and officials" relating to impeachment
----------------------------------...[000945/.S 725-00002.00029]Article IV, section 4 - Analysis by Jim Urban, Lobbyist for Motor Vehicle Dealers Association
----------------------------------...[000945/.S 725-00002.00030]Article V - Memorandum by J. C. Gywnn - re: Senate revision as it affects County Judges
----------------------------------...[000945/.S 725-00002.00031]Article VI - Suffrage and Eligibility
----------------------------------...[000945/.S 725-00002.00032]Article VIII - Municipal Home Rule Provisions
----------------------------------...[000945/.S 725-00002.00033]Article IX - Bonding Provisions
----------------------------------...[000945/.S 725-00002.00034]Provisions relative to conflict of interest by public officers and employees
----------------------------------...[000945/.S 725-00002.00035]Reorganization necessary to consolidate criminal provisions

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