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State Archives of Florida Online Catalog

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The Online Catalog allows searching and browsing of information about the Florida State Archives’ holdings of over 48,000 cubic feet of state and local government records and historical manuscripts. The catalog provides descriptions of over 3,400 collections and lists the contents of containers and folders in many of those collections. For assistance with accessing and using State Archives collections, call our Reference Staff at 850.245.6719 or email us at

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[000660]Office of the Capital Collateral Representative record group.:
-----------------...[000660/.S 1739]Capital Collateral Regional Counsel postconviction records,:
----------------------------------...[000660/.S 1739-06278.00004]Related Item #44: Audio and Images (TL-01-0100) [1 DVD]
----------------------------------...[000660/.S 1739-06278.00005]Related Items #30, 51-74 (TL-01-0100) [1 DVD]
----------------------------------...[000660/.S 1739-06278.00006]TL-01-0100, TL-73-2147, TL-73-2207, TL-75-0132, and Lab #20080100057 [1 DVD]
----------------------------------...[000660/.S 1739-06278.00007]Lab #20070103278 [1 DVD]
----------------------------------...[000660/.S 1739-06278.00008]Lab #20070103278: Biology and Digital Evidence [1 DVD]
----------------------------------...[000660/.S 1739-06278.00009]Lab #20070103278: Latents, Latent Prints Reports 1-5 and Latent Discs 30, 33 and 37 [1 DVD]
----------------------------------...[000660/.S 1739-06278.00010]Lab #20070103278: Latent Discs 3-7, 15 and 20-21 [1 DVD]
----------------------------------...[000660/.S 1739-06278.00011]Lab #20070103278: Latent Discs 22 and 27-29 [1 DVD]
----------------------------------...[000660/.S 1739-06278.00012]Lab #20070103278: Crime Scene-TROC and Crime Scene Disc 1 [1 DVD]
----------------------------------...[000660/.S 1739-06278.00013]Lab #20070103278: Crime Scene Discs 2-4 [1 DVD]
----------------------------------...[000660/.S 1739-06278.00014]Lab #20070103278: Crime Scene Discs 5-7 and 11 [1 DVD]
----------------------------------...[000660/.S 1739-06278.00015]Lab #20070103278: Crime Scene Discs 8-10, 12 and Crime Scene Reports 1-6 [1 DVD]
----------------------------------...[000660/.S 1739-06278.00016]Lab #20070103278: Crime Scene Disc 13 [1 DVD]
----------------------------------[000660/.S 1739-06279]Hilton, Gary M.; *RESTRICTED* SEALED; 2008-CF-697; Florida Department of Law Enforcement--General Counsel's Office
----------------------------------...[000660/.S 1739-06279.00001]Confidential/Exempt Records: TL-01-0100, SI-48-2256, SI-73-4318, TL-73-2147, TL-73-2207, Lab #20080100057, and Lab #20070103278--Exe
----------------------------------[000660/.S 1739-06280]Kocaker, Genghis; 04-CF-019874; Pinellas County Sheriff's Office--General Counsel's Office [SCANNED - CD-1689]
----------------------------------...[000660/.S 1739-06280.00001]Criminal History
----------------------------------...[000660/.S 1739-06280.00002]Matrix Report [13 pages color photographic images]
----------------------------------[000660/.S 1739-06281]Kocaker, Genghis; *RESTRICTED* SEALED; 04-CF-019874; Pinellas County Sheriff's Office--General Counsel's Office
----------------------------------...[000660/.S 1739-06281.00001]Confidential/Exempt Records: Criminal History--Exempt per F.S. 119.071(5)(a)5
----------------------------------...[000660/.S 1739-06281.00002]Confidential/Exempt Records: Matrix Report--Exempt per F.S. 119.071(5)(a)5 and 119.0712(2)(a)&(b)
----------------------------------[000660/.S 1739-06282]Knight, Richard; 2001-CF-14055; Broward County Sheriff's Office--Crime Lab
----------------------------------...[000660/.S 1739-06282.00001]Proficiency Tests (Kevin Noppinger, Lynn Baird, Linda Shepard, and Arlene Petrosky) -- Resumes (Arlene Petrosky, Deborah Friedman, D
----------------------------------[000660/.S 1739-06283]Armstrong, Lancelot; 90-5417-CF-B; Broward County Sheriff's Office--Records [SCANNED - CD-1690]
----------------------------------...[000660/.S 1739-06283.00001]Criminal Records Search Results: Daniel Frank
----------------------------------[000660/.S 1739-06284]Armstrong, Lancelot; *RESTRICTED* SEALED; 90-5417-CF-B; Broward County Sheriff's Office--Records
----------------------------------...[000660/.S 1739-06284.00001]Confidential/Exempt--Criminal Records Search Results: Daniel Frank--Exempt per F.S. 119.071(5)(a)
----------------------------------[000660/.S 1739-06285]Hampton, John Lee; 2007-12699-CF; Clearwater Police Department--Support Services [SCANNED - CD-1691]
----------------------------------...[000660/.S 1739-06285.00001]Item #72: Refer to Lead 6 [Omitted from previous agency submission received at Repository on 4/12/2013--Archives Box 6046]
----------------------------------[000660/.S 1739-06286]Hilton, Gary M.; 2008-CF-697; Leon County Sheriff's Office--Records Management Unit

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