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State Archives of Florida Online Catalog

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The Online Catalog allows searching and browsing of information about the Florida State Archives’ holdings of over 48,000 cubic feet of state and local government records and historical manuscripts. The catalog provides descriptions of over 3,400 collections and lists the contents of containers and folders in many of those collections. For assistance with accessing and using State Archives collections, call our Reference Staff at 850.245.6719 or email us at

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[000510]Division of Recreation and Parks record group.:
-----------------...[000510/.S 1319]Fort Clinch exhibit materials,:
----------------------------------...[000510/.S 1319-00001.00008]Correspondence to and from Samuel A. Swann, Jacksonville and Captain J. W. Barlow, Engineer in Charge, Ft. Clinch, 1865-1866, regard
----------------------------------...[000510/.S 1319-00001.00009]Oath of Allegiance of Rhydon M. Call, November 25, 1965. 1 item.
----------------------------------...[000510/.S 1319-00001.00010]Newspaper clipping "Prince, The Contraband Pilot of Fernandina" negro pilot of the 'Ottawa' on the St. Mary's River. 3 items
----------------------------------...[000510/.S 1319-00001.00011]Invoices and receipts for goods and cotton of James O'Neil, Savannah, Georgia. c. 1824. 7 items.
----------------------------------...[000510/.S 1319-00001.00012]Photographs of Fort Clinch before restoration. 11 items.
----------------------------------...[000510/.S 1319-00001.00013]Postcard, Fort Clinch. 1 item.
----------------------------------...[000510/.S 1319-00001.00014]Confederate currency.
----------------------------------...[000510/.S 1319-00001.00015]English document signed by Philip Lawtey, declaring his merchandise free of revenues, October 17, 1820. 1 item.
----------------------------------...[000510/.S 1319-00001.00016]Broadside. Moonlight Excursion on the Steamer Martha to St. Mary's, Georgia. August 17, 1886. 1 item.
----------------------------------...[000510/.S 1319-00001.00017]Catalogue. Children's Carriages. Richardson and McKee. 1857. 1 pamphlet, 13 pages.
----------------------------------...[000510/.S 1319-00001.00018]Nassau County Tax Receipt, Novermber 30, 1875. 1 item.
----------------------------------...[000510/.S 1319-00001.00019]Certificate of Purchase, Beaufort, N. C., April 28, 1865. 1 item.
----------------------------------...[000510/.S 1319-00001.00020]Document. Duval County, October 9, 1841 between James T. Mattair and James T. O'Neil regarding settlement of the estate of Robert A
----------------------------------...[000510/.S 1319-00001.00021]Cost estimate for Florida Ship Canal. 2 items.
----------------------------------...[000510/.S 1319-00001.00022]Speech by T. Frederick Davis at dedication of Ft. Clinch State Park, November 16, 1840. 3 pages.
----------------------------------...[000510/.S 1319-00001.00023]Biography and printed portrait of Maria Garcia Turnbull. 2 items.
----------------------------------...[000510/.S 1319-00001.00024]Business letterheads and receipts. Fernandina. 5 items.
----------------------------------...[000510/.S 1319-00001.00025]Copies of circulars from War Department, regarding sale of Ft. Clinch Military Reservation, 1926. 9 pages.
----------------------------------...[000510/.S 1319-00001.00026]Typescript of communication from Secretary of War, D. S. Lamont to the President regarding disposition of Ft. Clinch lands. c. 1884
----------------------------------...[000510/.S 1319-00001.00027]Typewritten account of survivors of a ship wreck. n.d. 2 pages.
----------------------------------...[000510/.S 1319-00001.00028]Letter to Sam'l A. Swann, from Cassius E. Gillette, Consulting Engineer regarding the Fort Clinch road. October 29, 1907. 2 pages.
----------------------------------...[000510/.S 1319-00001.00029]Map of "Old Town" showing lot numbers. n.d. 1 items.
----------------------------------...[000510/.S 1319-00001.00030]Newspaper clippings regarding the Civilian Conservation Corps work at Fort clinch. 1940. 7 items.
----------------------------------...[000510/.S 1319-00001.00031]Copies of newspaper clippings regarding Fernandina during the Civil War. 5 items.
----------------------------------...[000510/.S 1319-00001.00032]Copies of newspaper clippings on Fort Clinch.
----------------------------------...[000510/.S 1319-00001.00033]fragments
----------------------------------[000510/.S 1319-00002]Box 2
----------------------------------...[000510/.S 1319-00002.00034]The Southern Illustrated News, Richmond, Virginia. 17 issues.
----------------------------------...[000510/.S 1319-00002.00035]Sectional Map of the Eastern and Southern Portion of the State of Florida issued by the Land Department of the Florida Southern Rail
----------------------------------...[000510/.S 1319-00002.00036]Part of Original Map of Fernandina, Amelia Island, Florida. 1857. 1 item.

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