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State Archives of Florida Online Catalog

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The Online Catalog allows searching and browsing of information about the Florida State Archives’ holdings of over 48,000 cubic feet of state and local government records and historical manuscripts. The catalog provides descriptions of over 3,400 collections and lists the contents of containers and folders in many of those collections. For assistance with accessing and using State Archives collections, call our Reference Staff at 850.245.6719 or email us at

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[000350]Comptroller's Office record group.:
-----------------...[000350/.S 1397]County tax ledgers,:
----------------------------------[000350/.S 1397-00004]Volume 4 : 1936
----------------------------------[000350/.S 1397-00005]Volume 5 : 1937
----------------------------------[000350/.S 1397-00006]Volume 6 : 1938
----------------------------------[000350/.S 1397-00007]Volume 7 : 1939
----------------------------------[000350/.S 1397-00008]Volume 8 : 1940
----------------------------------[000350/.S 1397-00009]Volume 9 : 1941
----------------------------------[000350/.S 1397-00010]Volume 10 : 1942
----------------------------------[000350/.S 1397-00011]County Tax Roll Ledgers Volume 11 : 1935
----------------------------------[000350/.S 1397-00012]Volume 12 : 1941
----------------------------------[000350/.S 1397-00013]Volume 13 : 1942
-----------------...[000350/.S 1646]News report and interview video and audio tapes documenting the work of the Comptroller's Office,:
----------------------------------[000350/.S 1646-00001]Comptroller's Office Videos
----------------------------------[000350/.S 1646-00002]Comptroller's Office Videos
----------------------------------[000350/.S 1646-00003]Comptroller's Office Videos
----------------------------------[000350/.S 1646-00004]Box 4
----------------------------------...[000350/.S 1646-00004.00001]Comdata Network, Inc., Finance [Exemption Request] Tape 1 of 3: 4/8/75
----------------------------------...[000350/.S 1646-00004.00002]Comdata Network, Inc., Finance [Exemption Request] Tape 2 of 3: 4/8/75
----------------------------------...[000350/.S 1646-00004.00003]Comdata Network, Inc., Finance [Exemption Request] Tape 3 of 3: 4/8/75
----------------------------------...[000350/.S 1646-00004.00004]Flagler Bank Ownership Change: 7/8/75
----------------------------------...[000350/.S 1646-00004.00005]Flagship Bank, Remote Facility Application, Town N' Country, Hillsboro County: 6/10/75
----------------------------------...[000350/.S 1646-00004.00006]"Issues and Answers" Boiler Room: 1/11/87
----------------------------------...[000350/.S 1646-00004.00007]Mimi Kehoe Interview, WTWB Radio, Auburndale, FL: 7/21/89
----------------------------------...[000350/.S 1646-00004.00008]Money Laundering Interview, Gerald Lewis: No date Trade with China, Jacksonville C of C and ANF: 4/26/79
----------------------------------...[000350/.S 1646-00004.00009][Savings and Loan Merger News Conference, Westside of New York, Citizens of California, and Washington of Florida]
----------------------------------...[000350/.S 1646-00004.00010]Testimony of Comptroller Gerald Lewis, Drug Laundering and appointed banking commissioner, before the House Banking & Commerce Subco
----------------------------------...[000350/.S 1646-00004.00011][Trade Mission Accounts, Doyle Conner's use of Free Travel/Plane Tickets, Press Meeting]
-----------------...[000350/.S 1731]Travel and speech records,:
----------------------------------[000350/.S 1731-00001]Box 1
----------------------------------...[000350/.S 1731-00001.00001]Independent Bankers Association
----------------------------------...[000350/.S 1731-00001.00002]Law Enforcement Assistance Administration

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