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Record Group Number: 900000
Series/Collection Number: M94- 1
Creator: Bolton, Roxcy O'Neal.
Title, Dates: Roxcy O'Neal Bolton papers, 1936-2019.
Amount: 67.25 cubic ft.
Medium Included: videotapes
movie films
reel-to-reel films
photographic film
photographic slides
Organization/Arrangement: Correspondence is chronological; subject files and newspaper clippings are alphabetical. Photographs, video tapes, and audio tapes are unarranged.
Restrictions: See use conditions under TERMS OF USE.
Terms Governing Use: No book or movie may be made from the primary source (non-published) material in this collection without the express written permission of the donor's representative Bonnie Bolton during her lifetime. It is the responsibility of the researcher to obtain such written permission. [See case file for full restriction information]
Biographical/Historical:     Roxcy O'Neal Bolton, pioneer feminist, was born in 1926 in Mississippi. She was a businesswoman and active in Democratic Party organizations. She married Commander David Bolton U.S.N. who later acted as president of Men for ERA. In 1966, Bolton helped form Florida's National Organization for Women, serving as charter president of the Miami Chapter and National Vice President in 1969. She founded Women in Distress, a non-profit agency providing emergency housing, rescue service and multi-discipline assistance to women in situations of personal crisis.

    In 1974 she was instrumental in establishing the Rape Treatment Center, the first of its kind at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami. That same year Bolton organized Florida's first Crime Watch meeting to help stem crime against women. She has served on many boards and commissions and has been the recipient of numerous awards relating to her work in women's rights.

Summary:     This collection consists of the personal and family papers of Roxcy O'Neal Bolton, including correspondence, subject files, newspaper clippings, photographs, audio tapes, videotapes, journals and notebooks. The records document Bolton's role in the women's movement for equal rights, and specifically document her involvement in the National Organization for Women, the creation of Women in Distress, and the Rape Treatment Center at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami.

    The papers document numerous issues of concern to Roxcy Bolton, both relating specifically to the women's movement and more generally to human rights and social welfare issues, including abortion rights, rape, sex discrimination in employment and education, sexual harassment, sexism in the media, domestic violence, the Equal Rights Amendment, and preserving and recognizing women's history. The collection includes correspondence with figures of state and national prominence in the women's movement, politics, and public life, as well as papers relating to Bolton's personal and family life.

Finding Aids: Folder listing available. 0
Additional Physical Form:
Reproduction Note:
Location of Originals/Duplicates:
Associated Materials:
Language Notes:
Ownership/Custodial History:
Publication Note:
General Note:
Electronic Records Access:
Subject Access Fields: Bolton, David.
Florida International University.
Miami-Dade Community College.
University of Miami.
Abortion Florida
Abused women Florida
Discrimination Florida
Discrimination in employment Florida
Equal rights amendments.
Sex discrimination against women Florida
Sexual harassment of women Florida
Universities and colleges Florida
Women History 20th century Florida
Women Societies and clubs Florida
Women political activists Florida
Women's health services Florida
Women's rights Florida
Photographs. aat
Speeches. aat
Video recordings. aat
Sound recordings. aat
Videocassettes. aat
Clippings. aat
Audio cassettes. aat
Added Entries Florida. Governor's Commission on the Status of Women.
National Organization for Women.